
Showing posts with the label bodybuilder workout clothing

5 Things You Need to Do the Day of a PR Lift Attempt

Personal record (PR) lifts are an important milestone in your weightlifting journey. Every time you aim for a PR, you are getting ready to break through your barriers and set a new standard for yourself. They prove to you and the world that you are progressing and reaching new heights. When it comes time to put on your weightlifting clothing and hit the gym for a PR attempt, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. These five tips can help you get ready to succeed on your next attempt.  Bodybuilder Clothing Get Plenty of Sleep This tip starts before the day of your PR attempt, but it extends into the day of. Sleep is essential to recovering after past workouts and preparing for your big lift later in the day. Get a full night’s rest by heading to bed at the right time. It might take some planning, but getting 7 to 8 hours is crucial to have all the energy and focus you need when you step up to the bar for your PR lift. Whether you have to pack your bodybuil

5 Tips for a Killer Home Workout

There are plenty of times when you might be forced to do a training session at home instead of the gym. Whether you’re traveling, are getting over an injury, or just don’t have the time to get to the gym, there are no excuses for missing a training session. Throw on your bodybuilder clothing and get ready to turn your bedroom, living room, or garage into a playground for gains. Bodybuilder Clothing Create a Dedicated Workout Space First, you will want to have a workout space set aside. You can set up a mini gym ahead of time or at least designate an area to work out in. You want everything in one place, so you don’t have barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, and resistance bands scattered all over your home. You probably won’t have all the equipment you normally use in the gym, but what you do have should be kept in one place to stay in that mindset while in the designated area. Wear Something That Helps You Find Your Intensity When stuck at home, it can be tempting to put in a low-ef