
Showing posts with the label weightlifting apparel

6 Things Bodybuilders Need to Know About Muscle Soreness

We have all felt it the day after a heavy lifting session at the gym. Your arms might feel a little heavier than usual, or it might be somewhat painful to walk up a flight of stairs. Soreness is a natural part of muscle building. While muscle soreness is expected, have you ever stopped to wonder how it affects your progress and performance? Is soreness good? Why does it happen in the first place? Here’s what you need to know about muscle soreness. Weightlifting Clothes Why Do We Get Sore? That tightness and pain you feel the day after an intense workout is caused by micro-tears in your muscles. The muscle growth process is the result of this tearing and subsequent repair. Any time you do a more intense workout than usual or involve new muscle groups, you’re looking at a day or two of soreness. However, these tears will heal, and over time those fibers will become stronger. Is Muscle Soreness Good or Necessary? While soreness essentially means that you put your body to work during t

3 Exercises to Complement Your Squats on Leg Day

Like it or not, leg day always comes back around. You’ve worked out your chest and back, and suddenly it has come full circle again. Even if you want it to be over as quickly as possible, you must make sure you have a well-rounded leg day routine. That way, your muscle gains can be balanced.  Bodybuilder Clothing Of course, the central pillar of any lower body routine should be squats. The barbell squat is one of the most fundamental compound movements. But what about after that? Grab your bodybuilder clothing and try out these three exercises to complement your squats on leg day. Barbell Hip Thrusts This lift is essentially a weighted version of a glute bridge and is a great accessory to your squats. It mainly targets the glutes but also works out the hamstrings and quads. Barbell hip thrusts can help you improve your squats as well, so next time you’re in your weightlifting clothing at the gym, try adding it to your routine. Place a bench behind you and sit with a bar above you

4 Mental Skills Every Bodybuilder Needs to Know

If you want to succeed in bodybuilding, you need to have the right mental skills. Your weightlifting journey is as much a psychological battle as it is a physical one. Your mind is a tool you can use to push past your physical barriers and gain ground in your fitness journey. You just have to know what mental skills you need to learn. When you put on your lifting clothes and head to the gym, remember to train these four skills. Weightlifting Clothes Build Up Your Resiliency to Combat Tough Times Becoming resilient is a matter of time and dedication. Your weightlifting journey isn’t going to be easy, and you will encounter many different roadblocks. Whatever may come your way, you need to be resilient. Learn to greet struggles with a smile and a no-quit attitude. Every time something goes wrong, say “good” and continue moving forward. Being resilient is all about continuing to lift, even if it seems pointless or like you’re just going through the motions. You have to trust the process

How a Warrior Mindset Can Help You Maximize Your Workout

When you hit the gym, your mindset is one of the most important factors that can contribute to success. The right attitude can help you break through barriers and power through tough workouts. One of the best mentalities for bodybuilders is the warrior mindset. Like all the greatest warriors throughout history, you face challenges you need to overcome. It could be a day where you feel like staying home, or it could be a day where you are lifting for a new PR. So grab your weightlifting clothes , and hit the weights with a warrior mentality. Here are three ways this outlook can help you lift harder and heavier.  Weightlifting Clothes You Are Constantly Fighting to Improve Like a warrior, you are constantly fighting to improve yourself. Warriors never accept their situation and stop striving for more. They are always trying to get better through drills, studying, and practice. By emulating the warrior, you can reach new weightlifting heights. Every time you step into the gym,