7 Lifting Sets to Take Your Training to the Next Level

Hitting a plateau can be rough. It seems like you’ve been doing everything right, yet you aren’t making nearly enough progress week to week. Sometimes the problem isn’t you—it’s your workout. Specifically, it might be time to mix things up and experiment with new training techniques and unconventional sets. Get ready to throw on your bodybuilding clothing and try these different training sets.

Bodybuilding Clothing

Straight Sets

Straight sets are the most common, and you probably already follow this training style. You perform a series of reps and then rest after each set. Typically, you’ll lift the same amount of weight the same number of reps each set. For example, three sets of 10 reps of 90 pounds, with a short rest period between each set. While this is the tried and true technique, if you haven’t added any strength in the past few weeks, it’s time to try something different.

Pyramid Set

The first place to start is with a pyramid set. In this training style, you adjust the weight and number of reps as you progress through an exercise. Start the exercise with a high number of light reps. As you start sweating through your weightlifting clothes, increase the weight while lowering the reps. Typically might perform three sets, with varying reps from 12 down to 6 reps on the last set. This helps you get the best of both hypertrophy and strength training in one workout.

Super Set

Super sets are fairly simple in concept while giving you a chance to train different muscle groups back to back. Pair two exercises together and don’t rest between them. The only downtime is changing position. An antagonist super set alternates exercises that work on opposite muscle groups. For example, shoulder presses and lat pull-downs, or an upper body and lower body exercise. Agonist and compound super sets work the same muscle groups, which can result in a ferocious pump. You can increase intensity while decreasing rest time.

Rest-Pause Set

A rest-pause set will help you get more reps in before failure while using the same weight. Lift 20 pounds to failure. Rest for 10 seconds. Perform another set to failure. Rest. Repeat a few times. A rest-pause set can help partially flush lactic acid from your muscles, resulting in a serious pump while also helping to stimulate growth. If putting on mass is your primary goal, give this set a try.

Circuit Set

Think of a circuit workout like a super set taken to the next level. Instead of performing two back-to-back exercises, you go through a circuit of three, four, or even five exercises. You do all of your exercises back to back, and the only rest period in between is the time it takes you to change positions. You reduce rest time while increasing stamina, conditioning, and strength. If your workouts are feeling a little too easy, try circuit sets.

Pre-Exhaustion Set

Pre-exhaustion sets can be slightly complex. First, start with an isolation movement and do as many reps as you can until failure. Then, perform a compound exercise. By performing compound movements after isolation exercises, you recruit additional muscle groups to help while still targeting the initial muscle. For example, start with bicep curls and then perform a set of pull-ups, which still target your arms with additional help from your back muscles.

Drop Set

Drops sets are like inverse pyramid sets and can help you combine strength training with maximum volume for hypertrophy gains. After warming up:

  1. Do a few reps at a heavy weight.
  2. Reduce the weight, usually by 10%, and do it again.
  3. Reduce weight even more and do a third set.

This allows you to maximize your strength potential while adding additional volume in the drop sets.

With these set styles in mind, you can add new dimension to your workouts and hopefully break through your plateau. Give them a shot the next time you’re at the gym.

About GASP

Quitting isn’t an option. Compromise isn’t in your vocabulary. You view every workout as a chance to attack the gym and make progress toward your goals. If that sounds like you, then you deserve bodybuilding apparel that works as hard as you. You deserve GASP. From T-shirts and shorts to stringer tank tops and joggers, GASP designs their apparel with the modern bodybuilder’s physique in mind. The GASP community is full of dedicated athletes who push through to find success. Check out the full selection of GASP’s no-compromise lifting apparel today.

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